History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, page 330
decree of divorce or judicial separation for adultery of the Settlement of Wife, if it shall be made to appear to the wife's property for Court that the wife is entitled to any property benefit of children. : : : : either in possession or reversion, the Court may order such settlement as it shall think reasonable to be made of such property or any part thereof, for the benefit of the children of the marriage or any of them.
XLVI. All offences under this Act may be tried by any Cognizance of of. Ollicer exercising the powers of a magistrate fences under this unless the period of imprisonment to which the eo offender is liable shall exceed that which such officer is competent to award under the law for the time being in force in the place in which he isemployed, When the period of imprisonment provided by this Act exceeds the period that may be awarded by such officer, the offender shall be committed for trial before the Court of Session.
XLVII. If any offence which by this Act is declared to be
Punishment of Punishable with fine, or with fine and imprisonoffences under this ment not exceeding six months, shall be comAct committed 2 ape —_ a within local limits mitted by any person within the local limits of of High Court. the ordinary original civil jurisdiction of the High Court, such offence shall be punishable upon summary conviction by any magistrate of police of the place at which
such Court is held.
XLVI. All fines imposed under the authority of this Act Levy of fines by May, in case of non-payment thereof, be levied distress. by distress and sale of the offender’s movable property by warrant under the hand of the officer imposing the fine.
XLIX. In case any such fine shall not be forthwith paid, such Procedure vwntj] Officer may order the offender to be arrested return is made to and kept in safe custody until the return can distress warrant. be conveniently made to such warrant of dis-