History of the Parsis : including their manners, customs, religion and present position : with coloured and other illustrations : in two volumes, page 337
III. When a Parsi dies leaving children but no widow, the Division of pro. Property of which he shall have died intestate perty amongst the shall be divided amongst the children, so that eee the share of each son shall be four times the
no widow. share of each daughter.
IV. When a female Parsi dies leaving children but no
Division of pro- widower, the property of which she shall have Desa died intestate shall be divided amongst the intestate who leaves children in equal shares. no widower.
Y. Ifany child of a Parsi intestate shall have died in his or
Division of pre- her lifetime, the widow or widower and issue Goceeeed enue of such child shall take the share which such property among the child would have taken if living at the intestwee oe eens ate’s death in such manner as if such deceased child, child had died immediately after the intestate’s death.
VI. Where a Parsi dies leaving a widow or widower, but
Division of pro- Without leaving any lineal descendants, his or perty when the in- her father and mother, if both are living, or aes ee one of them if the other is dead, shall take but no Imeal de- one moiety of the property, as to which he or Sa she shall have died intestate, and the widow or widower shall take the other moiety. Where both the father and the mother of the intestate survive him or her, the father’s share shall be double the share of the mother. Where neither the father nor the mother of the intestate survives him or her, the intestate’s relatives on the father’s side, in the order specified in the first Schedule hereto annexed, shall take the moiety which the father and the mother would have taken if they had survived the. intestate. The next-of-kin standing first in the same Schedule shall be preferred to those standing second, the second to the third, and so on in succession, provided that the property shall be so distributed as that each male shall take double the share of each female standing in the same degree of propinquity, If there be no relatives on the father’s side, the intestate’s widow or widower shall take the whole.