Jugoslovenski Rotar, Sep 15, 1934, page 12


Ovogodišnje iskopavanje u Stobima dalo Je vrlo dragocenih rezultata. Naročiti je interes bio posvećen jednoj gradjevini u centru grada, čije je otkopavanje počelo Još prošle godine, a koja ni ove godine nije mogla biti potpuno obnažena, te će se njeno otkrivanje ı do godine nastaviti. Prostor do sada otkriven zahvata površinu od nešto više od 2ooo m? ı pretstavlja čitav haos odeljenja, čija namena nije još jasna. U jednom odeljenju otkrivena je peć, koja Je služila za pečenje glinenog

_posudja najraznoyrsnijih oblika. Ovo posudje ostalo je u peći, pretrpano ruševinama gornjih delova gradjevine. Po svemu izgleda, da se za vreme pečenja ovoga posudja desio jedan od onih katastrofalnih zemljotresa, koji su doprineli opustošenju grada. Zna se, da je u Južnoj Srbiji od 528 do 538 godine iz godine u godinu bila serija katastrofalnih trusova, čija je posledica bila uništenje dvanaest gradova. Jedan takav trus desio se, dok se rečeno posudje u peći peklo, te je ono radi pritiska ruševina dobilo naročite forme. U ovome kompleksu raznovrsnih odeljenja otkrivena su ove godine u jugo-istočnom delu gradjevine dva otmena prostora sa apsidama na zapadnoj strani. Oba prostora leže Jedan do drugoga, a na istočnoj strani Otvoreni su prema jednome peristilu, koji na severnoj strani ima basen. Iza njih, na zapadnoj strani, bio je vrt. U južnome prostoru otkriven je vrlo lep podni mozaik. U sredini je bila fontana sa vodoskokom, a svuda okolo fontane nalazi se mozaik podeljen u osam polja. Dva polja sačuvala su Jedan natpis u mozaiku,


In the following we bring the report of the President of the R.C. at Belgrade, Dr. Vlada R. Petković who is a Professor at the Belgrade University, on his archeological investigations at Stobi, the famous city of antiquity, justly called the Yugoslav Pompei.

The excavations at Stobi furnished very precious results this year. Special interest was devoded to a building in the center of the city on which the excavation work was alreday begun last ycar, but is not finished yet. The place recovered from the ground so far covers a surface of a little more than 2000 square metres and represents a whole chaos of various rooms and halls, destined for uses which are not known yet. In one of those a furnace was discovered which was used for burning of various kinds of pot-

tery. Some pottery ware was actually found

in the furnace and was covered with ruins from the upper portions of the building. The process of burning was apparently being carried on when an earthquake destroyed the building. We know from history that in Southern Serbia a series of earthquake catastrophes took places between the years of 528 an 538, during which twelve towns were completely destroyed. Under the pressure of the ruins the pottery in the furnace was shaped into various kinds of forms. In this complexity of various compartments there were this year discovered in the southeastern portion of the building two halls of impor-