Jugoslovenski Rotar, Sep 15, 1934, page 14
nekoji poveli sa sobom i svoje porodice. Izlet je uspeo preko svakog očekivanja. Učesnike je vodio brat dr. Franjo Mesesnel, član R. C. Skoplje, a u Stobima ih dočekao brat dr. Регkovié R. Vlada, pretsednik R.C. Beograd, sa ostalom gospodom, koja se u Stobima bave iskopinama. Nasi izletnici pokazali su puno zadovoljstvo. Kod svakoga značajnog obJekta čuli su iscrpna predavanja brata dr. Petkovića. Zadivile su ih novo pronadjene arheološke iskopine: ulazna kapija Stobi-a, amfiteatar, hramovi, kupatila i čitav niz sijajnih ostataka Jedne velike ı napredne varoši. Naročito su zapaženi novootkriveni podni mozaici ı nove palate.
In the same building there was also found a small statuette of Venus holding a mirror in her hand, besides various other smaller objects, and a very nice head, somewhat damaged, representing to all appearances Orpheus, a work of the Roman masters from the period of the Emperors.
Vlad. R. Petkovicé.
Our Rotary Club at Skoplje made on 24th May 1934 an excursion to Stobi in which 16 membres took part, many of them bringing also their families with them. The excursion was a great success. The party was led by Brother Dr. Mesesnel, member of the R.C. Skoplje. At Stobi they were received by Brother Dr. R. Vlada Perković, President" of the R.C. at Belgrade, and the gentlemen taking part in excavation work. All participants were greatly pleased with the leadership. At each characteristic object the explanations were given by Brother Dr. Petković personally. The party was full of admiration for the highly interesting archeological discoveries: The Entrance, Gate to Stobi, the Amphitheatre, the Halls, Baths and the rest of various remnants of this ancient and to all appearances highly civilised city. Special attention was paid to newly discovered mosaics on the floor and the new palaces.
Z E M U N 2 oktobra 1934
V osemnajstih klubih je zaenkrat zbrana rotarska armada Jugoslavije. Pogled na zemljevid nam lepo pokaže, kJe so njene glavne postojanke ın kje Je njena glavna moč. Iz osrčja Evrope prehajajo na naše ozemlje Alpe; ob njih yznozju Sirita rotarske ideje kluba Maribor in Ljubljana, ob syetoyni prometni cesti, ki veze severoyzhodno Evropo preko Donave z Jadranskim