JUS standardizacija

DK 629.4:672.835:621.882.219 DIN 1595/78 KnoOpfe, Knopfschrauben fur Schienenfahrzeuge

DK 642.73.:672.7 BS. 5577:1978 Specification for

Table cutlery

DK 645.497-034:645.497-03553 DIN h567/78 Bemessungsgrundlagen fur Leitern

DK 645.498:656.872 DIN 32 617/78 Hausbriefkasten Anforderungen, Prufuna

und Aufstellung

DK 66.024:66.023:624.042

DIN 28 082/78 Standzargen fur Beans-

Tel} 2 pruchung auch gegen Windkrafte Konstruktionsmasse DK 66.024-034.14:66.023 DIN 28 087/78 Traglaschen fur Montage - von Behaltern und Apparaten

DK 66.045.1:621.753.1

DIN 28 008/78 Allgemeintoleranzen fur Rohrbunđe1-Warmeaustaucher DK 666.982.24:669.

BS hNhL9:1978 Specification for Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

DK 666.982.24:669.

BS bbh61:1978 Specification for Cold worked steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete

DK 667.622:001.4

DIN 55 9L3/78 Farbmittel. Begriffe

DK 669.14.018.27:669.14.018.8-426 JIS G 5315-1977 Stainless Steel Wires for Springs

DK 669.14.018.85-422 JIS G 5311-1977 Heat-Resisting Steel Bars

DK 669.14.018.8-=426 JIS G 5308-1i977 Stainless Steel Wire Rods

JIS G h309-1977 Stainless Steel Wires

DK. 669.215:621.791.36.042/046 JS. Z 3266—1977 Gold Brazinq Filler Metal

DK 669.24-41:621.385.032.2

JIS H N501-1i977 Nickel Sheets and Strips for Electronic Tube

374 .

DK 669.245!1!26-462.3:621.644 JIS G 5903-1977 Seamless Nickel-Chromium-– Iron Alloy Pipes

DK 669.3-492 Copper Powder

JIS H 2115-1977 -

DK .669.3175%62 1. 790 .'037% 2

JIS Z 3235-1977 Copper Alloys for Resistance Welding Electrode

DK 669.35!779:621.791.36.04 JIS Z 3268-1977 Copper Phosphorus Brazing Filler Metal

DK 669.65'4:621.791.35.04 JS: Z2_3282—1977 Soft Solder

DK 6?77.054.838.23 DIN 6bh 6L2/78 Schaftrahmen.


DK 677.07:620.193.44:648.23

DIN 53 920/78 Prufung von Textilien Waschverfahren fur Textilprufungen

DK (67854.01:537*s311L) :695025.x3

BS 3187:1978 Specification for Electrically conducting rubber flooring

DK .681. L}.3.5 93%6.20.1

DIN 8325/78 Quarz-Grossuhren Anforderung Prufung Kennzeichnung

DK 681.327.1 651. 2:001..4

DIN 9762/78 Buro-und Datentechnik Datenendgerate Klassifikation Begriffe

DK 681.327.45 DIN 66 228/78 Kleinlochkarten fur Teil 2 Informationsverarbeitung Lage und Masse der LOcher

DK 681.327.45x:620.1 DIN 66 228/78 " Masse AnfordeTeil 1 rungen Prufung

DK. 685.5a01=60%4.8 BS 5576:1978 British Standard

Recommendations for Safety features of

camping tents

DK 69.028.2:620.17:624.042.41:699.83 BS 5368: Methods of testing Part 3:1978 Windows Part 3. Wind resistance tests

DK 69.028.2:620.17(047.311) BS 5368: " Part 4. Form of Part b:1978 test report