RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

we can conclude that they play ап improtant role, a role which should be developed and consolidated. Councils have been formed and are active in all newspaper and radio-broadcasting organisations, papers and publications in accordance with the Law. It is interesting to note, for example, that there аге ten programme councils in Belgrade Radio-Television (RTB) - RTB, Radio, relevision I Television 11, Television 111, radio programme, television documentary programme, television cultural programme, television educational programme, television information programme These councOs comprise 197 members, 105 of whom were nominated by the Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Serbia and 52 by the collectives. These councOs can be extended even further in accordance with requirements for individual series or projects. A special councO of experts was, for example, formed for the preparation and fOming of a series on marxist education. A councO for the series of programmes on all-peoples’ defence and social seif-protection aiso contributed a great deal. Interesting and valuable ехрепепсе has been gained in the work of a councO for a series of programmes on election preparations entitled »Izborna Tribina« (-lection Platform). This councO was made up of representatives of all socio-political organs and organisations involved and it reached agreement on the series concept and realisation. An initiative was a ‘ so Jaunched for the formation of a special councO for programmes mtended specially for the rural community, etc. Experience has shown that it is advisable to form special councOs for individual sections or parts of programme and such practice shouid be developed more extensively in cultural, educational and other types ot programmes. Papers and radio stations also launch individual actions of broader social importance - youth activities, various cultural and other events - and here corresponding councOs should be tormed to ensure sociai influence and joint activity. It is also important to assure that social infiuence is exerted over certain parts o programmes which do not yet make up an essentiai part of the overaJi editonal policy. This refers to economis propaganda programmes (advertising) and their content especiaUy on radio and television which are powerful public information media. Ехрепепсе has demonstrated that varied forms of social influence through the councils on the individual sections of the programmes and articles make it possible for a wider circle of experts on the given subject t° contribute to the elaboration and implementation of editonal роћсу, It is certain that such councils play an important iole m the prevention of various pressure and privatisation and