RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue, Jan 01, 1983, page 126
address that the Italian government is drawing up new legislation and pohce instructions to curb these activities which they consider criminal acts. One draft law provides for sanctions of up to two years imprisonment and fines of from 500,000 to 4 million Ure for performing recording, reproducing, or selUng copies of someone’s work without permission. Culpable by law аге the importation and distribution of works made abroad, maldng recordings of radio or TV programmes, selUng recordings of public performances made without permission. The penally may be increased by up to half of the above-described if the violation is committed with respect to another person’s work which is not intended for pubUc performance, if someone assumes ownership of another’s work, changes or imitates registered trade marks, falsifies the names of authors ог performers, omits names or symbols required by iaw, changes or damages a work or artistic interpretation, ог makes alterations damaging the standing of an artist ог an originalTecording. Two topics pervaded the seven experts’ reports: counterfeiting - illegal production, and home recordings. In some countries pirate cassettes can be ordered. In Istanbul they cast 1.25 dollars, in Taipeh 80 cents. (Retail prices of cassettes with recordings of music range around 20-25 marks in Germany, around 50 francs in France, and around 7 dollars in the USA). It is estimated that the annual production of pirate recordings in the USA is worth 250 million dollars. The Federal Government has passed some regulations against piracy but it is seven years behind England in this matter. The situation in Italy, Portugal and Greece is very bad. The weak points are the north African countries and the European Mediterranean агеа, from Тигкеу to Portugal. In one EMI branch агеа in Southeast Asia with a population of 285 million, 46 million legally-produced cassettes were sold in 1977 compared with 242 million pirate cassettes. The market value of the legal cassettes was 102 million dollars as against 207 million for the pirate mechandise.