RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

France Vreg, PhD


I Information and communications svstems are an integral part of socio-political svstems and are determined above all bv two basic groups of reievant factors: the economic and class nature of power and the wav of constituting political institutions and their structure.. We can therefore also divide communications svstems with regard to the class character of power, as well as the form of political institutions and relations. This means that the svstem of self-management decision-making bv workers and worldng people on the basis of social ownership and new delegate relations give the essential character to the information-communications Svstem ofVugoslav socialist societv and differentiate itfrom all other bourgeois svstems and other socialist svstems. The information and communications svstem of selfmanaging socialism is a svstem of communications linking, negotiating, agreement-making and integrating between socialist people; it is the function of associated • labour and also the assumption of the functioning of the delegate svstem This alreadv determines the content and form of of cornmunication in self-management societv; at the same time it is awarded a new (we mav sav a historicallv new) function of communicating on the basis of delegate principles which involve the constituting of the political power of the working class and the further establishing of the nations, and the unitv of nations and nationalities on new foundations, 1 Social communication thus becomes an element of linking and action of the whoie svstem

1 Platforma za pripremu stavova i odluka X kongresa SK], Izdavački centar ~Komunist”, Beograd 1973, p. 91.