RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

socialist countries no funđamental difference exists between radio and other media since there is no private ownership in the media sphere . Thus , both print and electronic media may create in these systems alternative public sphere , and they actually do it in several countries (e ,g . Poland, Tugoslavia ) . Obviously , it is not a specific techno!ogy which maKes alternative media possible but rather specific social, political and economic conđitions which may stimulate the development of alternative radio as well as alternative press , television, ог telematic media - alternative to the dominant commercial, paternal ог even authoritarian media systems , Notes 1 ) This is a part of the final report of the first Colloguium to the Stiftung Volkswagenwerk co-written by Hanno Hardt . References: e Brecht , B. (1983 ) "Radio As A Means of Communication; A Talk On the Function of Radio” . In A. Hattelart , S.Siegelaub (eds . ) , Communication and Class Struggle-H. Liberation , Socialism . New York , BagnoletHG, IMHRC . e Burgelman , J.C. ( 1968) "Political Parties and their Impact on Public Service Broadcasting in Belgium". Рарег at the second Colloguium on Communication and Culture , Bled. ф Enzensberger, H.M. (1974) The Consciousness lnđustry. New York; The Seabury Press . o Glasser , T.L. (1987) "The Privatization of Press Freedom" . Paper at the first Colloguium on Communication and Culture , Dubrovnik . ® Hardt, Н . (1987) "Ideological Constraints and Communication Research" . Paper at the first Colloguium on Communication and Culture , Dubrovmk . ® Lerg , W.B. (1987) "Communication History between Political and Social Research" . Paper at the f ist Colloguium on Communication anđ Culture , Dubrovnik . ® Meehan, E.R. ( 1987) "Television Ratings and the Commodity Audience in the US" . Paper at the first Colloguium on Communication and Culture , Dubrovnik . o Renckstorf , K . (1987) "Indicatiors of Information Gain" . Рарег at the first Colloguium on Communication and Culture , Dubrovnik . e Richeri , G. (1983) "Local Radio and Television Stations in ltaly". In A. Mattelart, S. Siegelaub (eds.), Communication and Class Struggle - 2 . Liberation , Socialism . New York , Bagnolet : IG , IMMRC .