RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

Educational programs had even tess đuration than the programs on health . Only Karachi, Hyderabad , Ouetta and Islamabad broadcast adult literacy programs , Karachi aired these programs at 9.15 p.m. vvhich is most suited for the urban listeners . Among all the stations , Islamabad reserved about 4Z of their total broadcast for education which is the highest percentage . It appears that the adult literacy programs received substantial attention. The programs on agriculture were broadcast from all stations except Islamabad , Karachi, Khairpur , Turbat and CJuetta . Of these, Karachi and Islamabad are major cities. Absence of these programs from the predominantly rural areas of Turbat anđ Khairpur and to some extent Guetta is somewhat surprising . In the rural programs D.l.Khan aired 13.8Х; Turbat 10Z and other stations allotted 2-9Х of their weekly broadcast. Of all stations , Faisalabad, Gilgit, Islamabad and Karachi did not give rural programs . Absence of these programs from Islamabad and Karachi is unđerstandable as these are urban centers , however , since Gilgit anđ Faisalabad are the towns located in rural areas , they should have given attention to rural programs. Table 2 merges the four categories in a large rural development slot to see how each station gave attention to it as compared to its total weeKly broadcast time . LooKing individually , at all stations , D.l.Khan leads with 22 X rural development programs followed by Bahawalpur , SKardu and Turbat with 12/ each. Of the total 14 32 broađcast hours of all stations, 102 hours were đevoted to rural development slot (арргох . I'/.). This is quite closer to 6X of the 19 80 data as analyzed by the PBC research department itself . THE RADIO AUDIENCE : Some studies and surveys have indicated that radio has a large auđience in the country . A study conducteđ by the Quid-e-Azam University inđicated that 80Х of electricity users and 65Х of nonusers are exposed to rađio . 12 ) PBC also conducted a study in Khairpur , Khuzdar and SKardu before launching its radio stations . The three areas are predominantly located in rural bacKground with varying cultural and climatic conditions at each place . However, the survey results are remarKably similar m these areas as radio listening seems to be an important activity in these places and over 80Х. of people listen to radio . Interestingly, women listen to radio more often than