RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

• Dovming, J.D.H. (1988) 'The aiternative public realm; the organization of the 1980s anti-nuclear press in West Сегтапу and Britain' Media Culture and Society , Vol. 10, No . 2 • Ducey, R.V. ( 1985) Dollars from Down Under - Using FM Subcarriers for Audio and Data Communications . NAB , Washington . • Ducßworth , J. (1988) 'Small scale in the big city' Interadio , Spring . e Eastman, S.T. et al. ( 1985) Broadcast/Cable Programming. Strategies and Practices . Wadsworth Publishing Co . , Belmont, Cal. • Elliott, P. (1986) 'lntellectuals, the "information society" and the disappearance of the public sphere.' (in : ) R. Collins et al. (eds . ) Međia , Culture and Society , Sage Publications , London, Beverly Hills , Newbury Park , New Delhi. • Europe £000; What Kinđ of Television? (1988). The Report of the European Television TasK Force . Тће European Institute for the Media , Manchester . • European Experiments in Cable Television; Local Radio and Video ; Lessons to be Learned and Prospects for the Future (1977). Council of Europe, Strasbourg. • Ferguson, M. ( 1986) (ed . ) New Communication Technologies anđ the Public Interest. Comparative Perspectives on Policy and Research . Sage Publications , London, Beverly Hills , New Delhi . • Fiske, J., Hartley, J. (1984) Reading Television. Methuen, London and New Vork . • Fornatale , P. Mills , J.E. ( 1984) Radio and Television Age . The Overlook Press, Woodstock, N.Y. • Fortner, R.S. ( 1988) 'Technological, Political anđ Economic Prospects for DBS-Auđio in International Communication' Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media , Vol. ЗН , No . H . • Guback , T. , Varis.T. (198H) Transnational Communication and Cultural Industries . UNESCO , Paris . • Gumpert, G. (1976) 'The Rise of Mini-Comm' (in; ) J. Grunig (ed . ) Decline of the Global Village .' How Specialization is Changing the Mass Media , General Hall, Inc . , New York • Gumpert, G. , Cathcart, R. (1986) (eds . ) Inter/Media . Interpersonal Communication in a Media World . Oxforđ University Press , Oxford , New York . • Hall, S . (1983) 'Culture, the Media and the "Ideological Eff ect"' (in : ) J . Curran , M . Gurevitch , J . Woollacott (eds . ) Mass Communication anđ Society , Edwarđ Arnold , London . e Hamelink , C.J. ( 1985) ’Towarđs a Binary Culture' CULTURES , No 36 . • Harms, L.S. (1985) 'The Right to Communicate : What a Small World' The Third Channel, Vol. I , No . H