RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

• McOuail, D. (1986) 'Policy perspectives for new media in Europe' (in : ) Ferguson , 1986 • McGuail, D . ( 1987) Mass Communication Theory . An introduction . Sage Publications , London , Newbury ParK , Beverly Hills , New Delhi. • McGuail, D. , van Cuilenburg, J.J. (1983) 'Diversity as a Media Policy Goal: A Strategy of Evaluative Research and a Netherlands Case Study' Gazette , Vol. 3 1 (1983) , No. 3. • McOuail, D., Siune, K. ( 1986) New Media Politics . Current Perspectives in Western Europe . Sage Publications, London, Beverly Hills, New Delhi • Meneer , P. (1987) Radio in the Age of Television. Crisis in Radio; What Crisis? Paper presented at the 1988 GEAR meeting , e Merrill, J.C., Lowenstein, R . (1969) Media , Messages and Men. Longman, New Vork. • Moores , S. ( 1988) '"The box on the dresser"; memories of early radio and everyday life' Media , Culture and Society , Vol. 10 , No .1 . • Mosco, V. (1982) Pushbutton Fantasies. Critical Perspectives on Videote* and Information Technology. Ablex Publishing Co . , Norwood , N.J. • Naisbitt, J. (1984) Megatrend . The Ten Directions Transforming__ Our Lives . Warner Books , New York • Narradio (1981). Narrađio Kommitten, Stockholm. • Nigg , H . , Wade , G . (1980) Community Media , Regenbogen-Verlag , Zurich . • Noam, E . M. ( 1985) The Riovalry Between the Traditional Međia , Books , Film , and the Electronic Media . Columbia University , New York . • Nothing Local About It. London's Local Radio ( 1983). Comedia Publishing Group , London . • O'Brien, B.J. (1986) 'AUSSAT's Role in Radio Services in Remote Areas of Western Australia' (in : ) AUSSAT 'B6; New Horizons. AUSSAT Pty. Ltd., Sydney. • Palđan, L . ( 1986) Local Radios Entering the Market. Finnish Experiences . Рарег presented at lAMCR Conference ,N .Delhi • Petersen , V.G. et al. ( 1984) The Danish Community Radio Experiment. Paper presenteđ at lAMCR Conference, Prague • Petersen V.G. et al, (n.d. ) Breaking a Monopoly of Introducing New Media? The Danish 3-year Trial with Community Radio and TV, mimeo • Guortrup, L. Democratization Through Local Radio? Local Radio in the Scandinavian Countnes , Odense University , Odense . • 'Rađio getting down to business' (1988) Broadcasting, April 11. • 'Rađio programming tunes in the satellite sound' (1986) Broadcastmg , Мау 2 6 • Richeri, C . ( 1984) Television from Service to Business . European Tendenćies and Italian Case . Paper presenteđ at ITSC Conference, London.