RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

The "RTV Theorv anđ Practice" review has been coming out in Belgrade in the Serbocroat language since 1975, and during the autumn of 1988 the fiftieth issue is to come out of the press . It is a Vugoslav quarterly which maintains its professional commitment to the analysis of radio and TV communication issues anđ phenomena , incluđing the guestions of broadcasting systems , technology and development, research , language , aesthetics , etc . The review enđeavours to Keep up with the latest events concerning this sphere of interest all around the world . Occasionally , special issues in English are published, as well as books in the "RTV Тћеогу and Practice" edition and other publications in the form of monographs regarding radio and TV . This issue contains information prepared for the second International Colloguium on Communication anđ Culture - "New Developments of Radio" - which is held in our country , in Bled . The participants of this meeting аге welcome to give their contribution ,

Р.S . Plav Sić