RTV Theory and Practice - Special Issue

On the other hand , a number of recent treatises on f particularly , community ) radio indicate that radio is far from being an obsolete medium . Even more , it seems that preclsely radio most often meet 2radicar functions of the media conceptualizeđ by cnticai scholars from Brecht onwards . And apart from this , at least in Europe , rađio seems to be subject to significant changes in terms of its organization , financing and operation . In short, these guestions and opposing tendencies stimulated us to devote the second Colloguium on Communication and Culture to the new developments of radio . The first Colloguium was helđ In September, 1987; twenty invited speakers from nine countries discusseđ the role of the međia in the cultural, sociopolitical and economic f rames of đemocratic industrlal societies . Since the intention of the organizer , Department of Communications at the Faculty of Sociology , Political Science and Journalism , is to organize the Colloguia on a regular basis , around thirty scholars and researchers were inviteđ to participate in the second Colloguium from September 27 to 30, 1988. We are also planning the 1989 Colloguium to be focused on the relationship between communication anđ democracy while in 19 90, the fourth Colloguium will be organized as a part of the 17th conference of the International Association for Mass Communication Research to be held in Bled , Vugoslavia . Due to the 60th anniversary of the first Slovenian radio station, the second Colloguium was co-organized and sponsored by Radio Ljubljana , the central radio station in the Republic of Slovenia , Programme and Audience Research Center at the Radio-Television Belgrade joined these efforts; аз a conseguence , a number of papers presented at the Colloguium аге now published in a special English issue of. "RTV - Theory and Practice" , the only Tugoslav quarterly specialized in radio and television research . The orgamzer also owe a large đebt of gratitude to many people who helped us with the organization of the second Colloguium, notably Firđus DŽinić anđ Prvoslav PlavšiC from Belgrade , and Harijan KriSelj, Igor Savič and Tone Sedlar from Ljubljana . In addition , we must also acknowledge the helpful financial support of Iskra-Delta Computers , Intitutions of Lanđ Surveying of Slovenia anđ Lesnina from Ljubljana , Vugoslav Airlines; without their willingness to help us with always embarassing financial questions we would not be able to organize the second Colloguium on Communication and Culture .

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