The fourth dimension


we make the next set of twenty-seven tesseract faces, representing the tesseracts, each of which begins one inch off from our space, by putting the second walls of our previous arrangement together, and the representation of the third set of tessaracts is the cubic block formed of the remaining three walls.

Since we have red, white, blue axes in our space to begin with, the cubes we see at first are light purple tesseract faces, and after the transverse motion begins we have cubic sections transverse to the yellow line.

Restore the blocks to the normal position, there remains the case in which the red axis turns out of space. In this case the blue axis will come in downwards, opposite to the sense in which the red axis ran.

In this case take catalogue cubes 10,11, 12. Lift up catalogue cube 1 and put 10 underneath it, imagining that it goes down from the previous position of 1.

We have to keep in space the white and the yellow axes, and let the red go out, the blue come in.

Now, you will find on cube 10 a light yellow face; this should coincide with the base of 1, and the white and yellow lines on the two cubes should coincide. Then the blue axis running down you have the catalogue cube correctly placed, and it forms a guide for putting up the first representative block.

Catalogue cube 11 will represent what lies in the fourth dimension—now the red line runs in the fourth dimension. Thus the change from 10 to 11 should be towards red, corresponding to a null point is a red point, to a white line is a pink line, to a yellow line an orange line, and so on.

Catalogue cube 12 is like 10. Hence we see that to build up our blocks of tesseract faces we must take the bottom layer of the first block, hold that up in the air, underneath it place the bottom layer of the second block,