The fourth dimension


selin, selat, selel, salet, salat, salan, sil. The whole interior is salat.

Shapes can easily be cut out of cardboard which, when folded together, form not only the tetrahedron and the octohedron, but also samples of all the sections of the tesseract taken as it passes cornerwise through our space. To name and visualise with appropriate colours a series of these sections is an admirable exercise for obtaining familiarity with the subject.


By extending the letter sequence it is of course possible to name a larger field. By using the limit names the corners of each square can be named.

Thus “en sen,” “an sen,” ete., will be the names of the points nearest the origin in “ en” and in “an.”

A field of points of which each one is indefinitely small is given by the names written below.

+ es ; H jensen} etsen } clsen


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juste to!

The squares are shown in dotted lines, the names denote the points. These points are not mathematical points, but really minute areas.

Instead of starting with a set of squares and naming them, we can start with a set of points.

By an easily remembered convention we can give names to sueh a region of points.

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