The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Leshnitza, Donji Dobritch, Yadranska-Leshnitza, Loznitza, Breziak, Yarebitze, Zavlaka, Likodra, Krupanj, Bela Tzrkva, and Petzka.

For my collation of facts I have drawn equally upon the military and the civil documents that your authorities kindly placed at my disposal. As these documents are known to you, and always at your disposal, I shall only make use of a few of them in this report, viz., of such as are necessary for the deduction of my results.

I have divided my report in the following manner :

1. Explosive bullets and dum-dum bullets.

2. Bombardment of open towns and the destruction of buildings.

3. Massacres of Serbian prisoners and wounded.

4. Massacres of civilians.

5. Pillage and destruction of house property.

6. Review of the causes of the massacres.

In each chapter I shall quote the evidence obtained, together with the names of the witnesses, and shall add my personal remarks. I shall conclude my report by a special chapter on the treatment of the Austrian prisoners on your territory. according to depositions made by the prisoners themselves, and my own personal observation.

I have the honour to be Your Excellency’s Obedient servant, R. A. REISS,

Professor at the University of Lausanne.

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