The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


Milivoie Isakovitch, Mayor of the village of Novo Selo, deposes: Not a soul in the village fired a shot at the Austrians. None the less they set fire to 3 houses and several barns, by means of some special substance for igniting houses. Tt was generally believed that the compound which the enemy used for igniting houses asphyxiated the inhabitants in burning, so that they were unable to escape. The Austrians also indulged in indiscriminate pillage wherever they found anything to take away. They committed all their atrocities in Novo Selo on the day of their arrival, i.e. on July 30th.

Matia Kordanitch, aged about 60, of Novo Selo: The Austrians tried to burn down the mayor’s house. They also gutted the safe. They committed these crimes on their return from the Tzer. The fire was put out by the Serbian soldiers on their arrival in the village. In the course of his inspection of the premises mentioned the under signed distinctly observed traces of ignition in the woodwork, and that everything in the house had been sacked and plundered.

In Leshnitza, a town of 1,200 inhabitants

Bado Bajenatz, aged 52, Mayor of Leshnitza, declares the following: The Austrians arrived in Leshnitza on July 31st, and committed their atrocities from the moment of their arrival until August 2nd. Two houses and several barns were set on fire. The whole town was thoroughly sacked. Every safe was gutted, furniture and pictures were ruined.