The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


carried away was thrown into the street. The safes were gutted. Already during their first transit the Austrians had burnt and pillaged. The number of houses that have been burnt is very great.

In Breziak

In the parish of Breziak, where an Austrian staff had taken up its quarters, every house was pillaged, several barns were set on fire, furniture was demolished and the safes were gutted.

In the house of the Mayor of Breziak all was sacked and demolished. The safe was gutted and all articles of value, such as the plate, etc., were stolen. The mayor possessed many fine pictures which were broken, and handsome furniture, which was smashed. The house and table linen was likewise carried off. All the young fruit trees were cut down.

The Mayor's wife is a native of Berlin, and lived for many years in Austria. She is indignant at the outrages committed by the Austrians. She had fled when they arrived. But they were furious when they failed to find her at home. They were especially enraged against her husband, whom they proposed to “roast.” This lady says that before the war she was proud of being a German, but that to-day she is ashamed of it.

Everywhere in Breziak, one meets with the inscription: ““ Hoch Oesterreich.”

Maxim Vidakovitch, pope of Breziak. The Austrians smashed everything in his house, including 4 sewing-machines. Everything of any value was taken away. An inscription left by the in-