The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


The parish records, the school library, and the parish Town Hall were all destroyed.

In Kostainik, a town of 2,400 inhabitants, 4 houses and 120 barns were burnt by the Austrians, and the houses were pillaged.

Parish of Banjevatz Svetozar Markovitch, aged 38, deputy mayor, declares that the enemy pillaged and destroyed everything in Banjevatz.

In Ljubovia

Ninko Taditch, aged 49, Mayor, and President of the Town Council, deposes the following: In his parish of 4,500 inhabitants, 135 families have had their houses, barns, sheds, and stables fired, the minimum total value of all these buildings being estimated at 873,000 frs. The people had hoisted white flags and furnished all the food-stuffs demanded by the enemy. The Austrian soldiers spoke in opprobrious terms of the Serbian people and their King.

Gorma Ljubovia

Milo Ioantitch, aged 44, Mayor of Gornia Ljubovia, declares that in his village 17 families lost their entire house property during the second Austrian invasion. The damage caused by the Austrian army amounts to 16,000 frs.

In Selanatz Y akov Panovitch, aged 59, deputy mayor, deposes that in Selanatz the Austrians fired a house and some fifteen barns. They pillaged everywhere, and