The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


vading troops of having destroyed by fire or other means all movable property, cereals, etc., which they could not take away. Personal inspection has convinced me of the accuracy of these assertions.

I will here also report a public rumour, which has been repeated to me by reliable witnesses who however did not see the matter for themselves. Myr. Lazitch, Prefect of Shabaiz, is one of my authorities. According to this rumour the Austrians brought certain women to Shabatz, prostitutes and others, who are said to have superintended the packing of all articles of value, which were then placed in carts and at once transported across the Save. As I said before, I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this fact, not having had the opportunity of obtaining absolute proof of it.

It goes without saying that I obtained verification on the spot for the depositions obtained from the civilians I interrogated. I found them strictly accurate ; of course I had no means of checking the exact amount of the losses, or proving whether the figures given me corresponded with the truth.

Judging by my experience of judicial enquiry, I even think they should be considerably reduced, because the losers have almost always a tendency to exaggerate their losses. But, even so reduced, the pecuniary loss suffered by the civil population im the invaded territory is enormous. Judging by what I have seen, it must greatly exceed 100 million frs.

Wherever the Austro-Hungarians have been, I have personally observed the traces of an absolutely thorough-going pillage of everything of value, and