The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


ArreR having proved all these cruelties and atrocities it was interesting to seek for the causes. As a matter of fact, having in time of peace found the Austrians, and especially the Viennese, charming to all appearance, I was greatly surprised to see that in time of war this people could be guilty of such excesses. 1 therefore endeavoured by interrogating the prisoners and other investigations, to ascertain the causes of this change of attitude. I believe the following to be the correct explanation. For a long time the mighty Austria-Hungary had decided, as you know, to crush your democratic and liberty-loving Serbian people. Free Serbia attracted the Austro-Hungarian subjects of Serb race and, furthermore, she blocked the way to Salonica. But the people of the Dual Monarchy had to be trained for the execution of this inconvenient neighbour. To achieve this object, the Austro-Hungarian papers, faithfully seconded by the German dailies, inaugurated a campaign of systematic disparagement against Serbia. According to these papers there could be no people more barbarous and more detestable than the Serbs. They were lousy, thieves and regicides. Nay, more, these abominable Serbs were murderous

savages. They cut off the noses and ears of their 173