The Kingdom of serbia : report upon the atrocities committed by the Austro-Hungarian Army during the first invasion of Serbia


uniformed, but armed men of the enemy country, whether encountered singly or in groups, should be made prisoners. They are to be unconditionally executed.” !

The Austro-Hungarian General Staff, like all the rest of the world, was well aware that your soldiers of the Third Levy and a good half of those of the Second Levy have never been uniformed. The directions given in these instructions” are therefore an undisguised summons to massacre these soldiers, a summons which was obeyed to the letter by the troops.

Further on, in speaking of the hostages, we find the following : «In traversing a village, they are to be brought, if possible to a passage en queue (sic) and they are to be summarily executed, if even a single shot is fired at the troops in that locality.” (In direct contradiction to the Hague Convention of 1907.)

““ Both officers and men will keep a strict watch on every inhabitant, and not tolerate that he should put his hand in his pocket which probably conceals a weapon. They will, generally speaking, observe an attitude of extreme severity and harshness.

“The ringing of bells is absolutely prohibited and the bells will be taken down. As a rule, every belfry will be occupied by a patrol.”

Who does not remember the incessant recriminations of the Germans that the French were occupying the belfries for military purposes? Are

1 Zunichst dulde ich nicht, dass nicht uniformierte, aber bewafinete Leute des Feindeslandes, werden sie nun in Gruppen oder einzeln angetroffen gefangen werden ; sie sind unbedingt niederzumachen.