The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



62. Lascio or Tascif as ‘‘ Tashub ”’ the Hittite or Early Gothic CornSpirit. From archaic Hittite rock-sculpture at Ivriz in Taurus. (After von Luschan and Wilson) . 5 : z

63. Archangel Tas interceding with God Indara for sick man attacked by Dragon of Death. From Hittite seal of about 2 500 B.C. (After Delaporte) . . : ; 5 : : :

64. Archangel Tas-Mikal defending Goats (and Deer) as “ Goths” with Cross and Sun emblems on Greco-Phcenician coins. (From coins in British Museum, after Hill) . : : :

65. Archangel Tas defending Goats as ‘“‘ Goths ” with Cross and Sun emblems on Early Briton coins. (From coins after J. Evans and Stukeley) . . : 2 3 . . :

66. Tag as ‘‘ Michael” the Archangel, bearing rayed “ Celtic ’* Cross, with Corn, Sun-Goose or Phcenix on Phoenician coins of Cilicia of 5th century B.c. (Coins in British Museum, after Hill)

67. Tas or Tascio or St. Michael the Archangel on Early Briton preChristian coins. (Coins after J. Evans) : : 5

68. Phoenix Sun-Bird of Tas or Tascio with Crosses and Sun-discs from Early Britain cave-gravings and coins. (After Simpson, Stuart and J. Evans) . 2 é 5 n , : 2

69. “ Tascio ” in Egypt as ReSef. (After Renan) . : F :

70. Lascia, Dias or Tay as “‘ Daxa,” the Indian Vedic Creator-god. (After Wilkins) : : : ; . : : 2

7i. Logie Stone Ogam inscription as now deciphered, disclosing invocation to Bil and his Archangel ‘‘ Zachab”’ or *‘ Tashub ”

72. “ Bird-Men” on Briton monuments, at Inchbrayock and Kirriemuir, Forfar. (After Stuart) . : - - ‘ .

73- Early Bronze Age Briton button-amulet Cross. From barrowgrave at Rudstone, Yorks. (After Greenwell) . .

74- Ancient Briton “‘ Catti”’ coin of 2nd cent. B.c., with Sun Crosses.

Sun-horse, etc., and legend INARA (Hitto-Pheenician Father-god Indayva or “ Andrew’’). (After Evans) c 5. Tascio (Hercules) coin of Ricow Briton ruling clan. (After Poste) 6. Archaic Hittite Sun Horse with Sun’s Disc and (?) Wings. From Seal at Caesarea in Cappadocia (After Chantre) . . 77- Pendant Phoenician Sun-Cross held in adoration. From Hittite seal of about tooo B.c. (After Lajard) °


Sketch-Map of Site of Newton Stone and its Neighbourhood in Don Valley . ; . : : 5 = , ‘ . Megalith Distribution in England. (After W. J. Perry) . 0 . Survey-plan of Keswick Stone-Circle, showing orientation of Observation-stone bearing Sumerian sign-marks. (After Dr. W. D. Anderson) 7 . ‘ : " : . : Map of Phoenician Empire in Western Asia, Mediterranean, and N.W. Europe, showing “ Khatti” (or Hitt-ite), “ Kassi”? and








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