The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps
We thus further discover, and also for the first time, the remote origin and economic meaning of the racial title “ Ary” or “ Ary-an,”’ and find that it is a Hitto-Sumerian word “ Avri,”’ originally designating the White Syrians or Hitt-ites or “ Catti,’ or Early Goths, as the “ Earers” or Ploughers, in their capacity of founders of the Agricultural Stage of the World as the basis of the Higher Civilization ; and Agriculture still remains the economic basis of modern Civilization. We discover still further evidence for the Hitto-Sumerian Language being the parent of the radically Aryan words of the Aryan Family of Languages, and especially of the Briton or British Gothic which (and not Anglo-Saxon) is the basis of the “ English ” Language at the present day. We also discover that these Aryan “ Earers”’ and so-called “ Sun-worshippers '’ adopted as their patron-saint, under Indara (or Andrew) or St. George his Archangel son as “ Corn Spirit”’ in their Sun-cult. And they formed him on the model of their historical Aryan Hittite king who had invented the Plough about 4300 B.c., Tas-Mikal (or Mekigal), who is now disclosed as the historical human basis of Michael the Archangel of Heaven, of the Gentiles, the “ Tascio”’ of the pre-Roman Briton Catti coins, the Taxi or Dasi of these Sumers, ‘‘ Dag-on”’ of the Philistines, the Daxa of the Indian Vedas, and the “ Dionysos’ and Tyche of the Greeks, by hellenized names coined from Sumerian originals. We further find that this solar cult of Michael the Archangel and Corn Spirit, associated with the solar symbol of the True Cross of Universal Victory by the Sun, and the late harvest festival of Michaelmas, was widely prevalent in Early pre-Roman Britain, where it was disembarked and transplanted at St. Michael's Mount with its associated Sun-Fire cult about 2800 B.c. or earlier by the tin-exploiting, colonizing Hitto-Phcenician Barats, the Ploughers of the Deep and builders of the great solar Stone Circles, and the pagan gravers of the contemporary cup-marked Sumerian votive inscriptions of the prehistoric period, who invoked the blessing of “ Sancti Michaele,” just as did King Alfred.+
' King Alfred’s prayer at end of his translation of Boethius.