The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Another factor which tends to conserve the Aryan type appears to be the remarkable provision of Nature for securing ‘‘ the survival of the fittest,’ by which she refuses to lose the painstaking progress made through long evolution towards a higher type by chance interference with her machinery, or by diluting her products. It has been found that the progeny of a marriage between two races of different physical types and head-form are not the mere mean or average between the two parent types, but belong to one or other of the separate parent (or grandparent) types as regards head and brain formation, the different racial headforms tending to refuse to mix, like oil and water. Thus the intermarriage of a long-head and a round-head usually results in one or other of the children being long-headed, and another round-headed, like one or other of their parents, and not an intermediate type of head. ‘‘ The result was in many cases not a mixture, as 1f we mix red and white wine, but it was often a manifest reversion to the original types. In this way, good old types, once fixed by long inbreeding, do not necessarily get lost by intermarriage, but often returmm with astonishing energy.’

In this way the subsequent intermarriage of individuals of a relatively pure Aryan type would tend to enhance and fix the predominance of the Aryan blood strain introduced into Britain by the Britons, with all the superior intellectual endowments for progress which the Aryan type stands for.

There is no need in these days to argue against the idea advocated by Freeman and Green that the Britons were totally exterminated by the Anglo-Saxons. There is no historical evidence whatsoever to show or even suggest that the Anglo-Saxons—fierce pagans though they were, and the destroyers of Christianity amongst the Britons in the area they invaded—were such inhuman butchers as to massacre wholesale the men, women and children

' Mere colouration or pigmentation—the colour of the skin, hair and eyes —on the other hand, are immediately altered by inter-marriage in a more or less mechanical ratio, in accordance with the scale in Mendel’ s laws of heredity.

_ Prof, F. v. Luschan, The Early Inhabitants of Western Asia, Jour, Royal Anthrop. Instit., 1911, 239.