The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps



Date of Accession No, B.C. (approximately). 10 878 II 855 I2 798 13 793 bee 760 15 734 16 677 17 628 18 600 19 546 20 483 2r 473 22 433 23 407 24 388

Length of Name. Reign in Years.

Bladud, s. of 9. 20

Leir IT., s. of 10, 60 with 3 daughters and no son. Regan m. Henuinus, duke of Cornwall.

Cordeilla, youngest 5 daughter, m.

Aganippus, k. of Gaul.

Cuncdagus or Con- 33 dage, s. of Henuinus and grands. of rr.

Riveal or Rivalo. 46 S$. of 13.

Gurgustius, s. of 14. 37

Sisilius or Scicilius. 49

Jago, nephew of 15. 238

Kymar or Kyn- 54 mercus, Ss. of 16,

Gor-bogudo or Gor- 63 bodus. (Harding 1)

Cloten, duke of 10 Cornwall, inherits. (Harding)

Dunwallo Molmutius 40 or Moduneius, s. of 20.

Belinus, s, of 2r, 26 with brother | (Harding 41) Brennus.

Gurewin, Gorbonian 19

or Gurgwintus Barbtrucus, s. of


Guytelin or Gui 27 thelin Batrus,

Events and Remarks.

Built Bath with

Fire - temple and public baths.

Built Caer Leir or Leicester. Is Shakespeare's “King Lear.”

At end of reign civil war and both sons killed.

Restored paramount rule and enacted Molmutian Laws and Law of Sanctuary.

Brennus rules jointly with Belinus, then with the latter for 5 vears aud conquers Gaul and aftemwards sacks Rome and conquers Dacia in Gothland, Meets Part-olon as kinsman and agrees to his occupying part of British Tslcs.

Syria-Pheenicia under

Contemporary Historical Events B.C.

Assyrians 877-633.

Homer lived (Herodat. 2, 53).

Traditional founding o1 Rome about 750.

Isaiah the prophet, 740. Fall of last king of Hitt-

ites at Car-Chemish by Assyrian Sargon II., 717.

Scythian invasion of Assyria frees Phoenicia,


Probable founding of Athens.

Israelites carried into captivity by Nebuchadnezzar, 587.

Cyrus the Mede takes Asia Minor and Babylon, 546-538.

Hanno, Phoenician admiral, circumnavigates N.W. Africa before 500 B,C.

Pheenicia furnishes 300 ships to Xerxes’ fleet in 480. (Herodot., 7, 89 f.)

Herodotus, about 450.

Media (including E. Cappadocia) revolted from Persia 414.

Spartan Grecks invade and annex Asja Minor and Cilicia, 399.

Pheenician naval fight against Spartans, 394.

PART-OLON arrives in

Britain about 395 B.c.(?)