The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Shrops (covtd.):

Hereford :

Monmouth : Glamorgan : Carmarthen : Pembroke : Merioneth : Montgomery : Carnarvon :

Anglesea : Cheshire :

Lancashire :

Westmorland : Cumberland :

Cott-on (Weston-) and Whitt-ing-ton, near Parkington at Oswestry, with Bronze Age remains.’

Sid-bury, in Severn Valley.

Shotia-ton, N.W. of Shrewsbury.

Whit-cott Keysett, in Clun Valley, with menhir.?

£at-on Constantine, near Little Wenlock, with Bronze Age remains.?

Codd-ing-ton, N. of Ledley.

Hait-field, on Frome.

Yait-on, on the Wye.

Eat-on, near Hereford on Wye, with “ wails’ and ancient camps (3, 74). a

Cader Arthur or Cadier Artur mountain, with Arthur's chair or seat, with peak Pen-y-Gader (3, 91, 110).

Coity castle, with remains of Caradoc’s palace (3, 131).

Ketti Stones, thename of the chief cromlech in Gower, and compare Kits Coty, in Kent.

Cet-guelli,® or Cath-welly, modern Kid-welly, and ruins of castle with tradition of founding by sons of ‘‘ Keianusthe-Scot ’’ (=Koronus Caineus ?) (3, 135, 137).

Coity Artur, two rock stones near St. Davids (3, 151).

Cad-van Stone of St. Cadvan, a British king and high puiest at Towyn-on-shore, below Cader Idris (3, 172).

Kede-wen’s Gate, on the Severn, with Arthur’s Gate and ancient remains (3, 165). :

Gwdir, headland on coast.


Cote-brook, with barrows.®

Cod-ling-ton, with barrows.?

With-ing-ton, with barrows.§

Seiaia, the Roman name for Chester Bay, implying that Chester (or its people) was anciently called ‘ Sefe’’ or “ Seteia.”’

Cat-on and Caton Mere, on Lune, above Lancaster.

Catter-all, on Wyre.

Heaton, near Bolton.

Hutton, near Preston.

Wat-lon, near Preston.

Set-anti, Roman name for Preston Bay, implying that Preston (or its people) was anciently called ‘‘ Set"’ or “ Set-anti.”’

Sed-bergh, on Lune.

Cat-land and Cat-land Fells.

Cat-gill, below Egremont, on Ennerdale Water.

Coat Hills village, near Eden, S. of Carlisle.

Cutt-erton, north of Penrith.

Caude or Caud River (modern Caldew),® rising in Cat-land Fells, at Carlisle, at end of Roman Wall in vale called Cummers Dale, with copper mines (3, 426, 427).

Gates-garth, Gates-gill and Gates Water.

Sidd-ick, at mouth of Derwent, below Camer-ton.

Sit-Murthy, on Derwent, above Cameyr-ton.

Skid-daw Mt., at Keswick.

Hutt-on, north of Penrith, near Cutterton.

! Windle, op. cit., 106. * Ibid., 202, + [bid., 106. “Rhys, Hib. Lects., 192.

* Nennius’ Chronicle, r4. * Windle, op. cit., 154. 7 [bid.

* [bid., 154.

» 154. * It 1s now called “ Caldew,” after the nearer Cald-beck Fells, whilstits further source is in the

Cat-land Fells,