The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps


Catuvellaunus, form of Cassivellaunus, see Cassivellaun

Caty-euchlani tribe of A.B., 200-2, 267, 210-12

Cauldron of Hell, of Serpent cult of aborigines, 94-5, 104-6

Cave gravings, prehistoric, in A.B., of Trojan and Hitto-Pheenic. emblems, 198, 335, 35¢

Ceasair, prehistoric Irish matriarch, 91, 93-4, IOI-5

Cedi, n. for Getae or Phoenician Goths, 168, 262

Celt, origin and meaning of n., a9; misuse of term, 127, 139: modern introd. of n. to British Isles, 1274. .

Celts or Kelts, confused racial use of terms, 127-30, 134-7; British, 127f.; ve Caledons, 117, 125; ve Culdees, 117; Gaulish, 120f. ; ve Khaldis, 99, 125, 139f.; ve Picts, 139-41 ; physical type of, 133f.; 140; psychology of, 375

Celtic, art of Bronze Age is BritoPheenic., 182; Cross is HittoPheenic., 334f. and see Cross ; language, dialect of British Gothic 180 ; question, the, 127{.; racetype in Britain, 130f.

Centaur, v. Canterbury, 405

Cephalic index, of races, 134-6 ; Aryan, 124

Cet-gueli, or Wid-welly, ancient port of Catti, 71

Ceti, form of n. Getae, Goth, Scot and Phoenics. (Cedi), 71, 168, 209, 262

Ceti-loinn tribe n. on Yarrow stone, near Cat-ra‘l earthwork, 72

Chaldee (and Crldee) origin of n.,




Chals, Gypsy or Chaldee of Van, Ti7

Chat-ham, 203

Channel, English, ancient n. Ictis or Icht, 116, 121, 1r63f., 201, 405

Chariots, War-, of Britons of HittoTrojan type, 145; buried with

Briton chief, like Syrians in Egypt, 145 _ Charms, in A.B., see Amulets and

Cup-marks ; horse-shoe for luck, reason of, 287

Chattan clan, 208

Chatti tribe in Germany, 186

Cheddar caves and Bronze remains, 400



Chedi or Cedi, title of Phoenics., 262

Chiltern Hills and Celts or Kelts,


Christ, visits coast of Phcenicia and works miracles there, 323 ; Phoenicians early followers of,

323 ; “ wise men”’ at Epiphany | ae Hitto-Pheenic. Mogi or Fireworshippers, 279

Christianity, early Phoenicia, 323; Pheenician, 323, Gothic, 301-3; Cross symbol introd. into, by Goths, 3o1f.; Pheenician elements in British, 333

Christmas or Yule, winter solstice festival, 60

Chronicles of Early Briton kings, historicity of, 146f. ; King Lists in 385f.

Cilicia, homeland of Brito-Phcenic. Part-olon, 32, 41-2, 45; Barats of, 55; Britannia and, 55-8; clans of Pheenicians of, 159; in A.B., 41, 43, 61; coins of Briton

centre of, in Arianism in Arianism in

type. iN, 43, 55: 346-7 ; colonization by, in A.B., 43 ; in Carthage and Sardinia, 42; in Sleswick, 44; Phoenicians of, accomp. Brutus to Albion, 161

Cintas (or Cymri) in Jut-land,

Cimmerians, as Cymd 19 f.

Circles, on A.B. coins as on GrecoPho:nician, and on Hitto-Sumer and Trojan amulets, 237f.:; re Cup-marks as sacred script, 237f. ; concentric on A.B. monuments and bronze shields and tools, solar-cult as in MHitto-Sumer,


Circles, Stone, as Solar observatories of Amorite Pheenics., 216, see Stone Circles

Cists, Stone, of A.B. and their meaning,


, cup marks on af


Citi-um or Kition, Pheenic. port of Cyprus, Pheenic. factories at, with amulet seals, as in A.B., 178, 220

City states of Phoenicians, 55, 212

Civilization in A.B., 146-7; introdnced by Brito-Phoenics., 168f., r8rf.

Clans, see Tribes

| Clas Merddin (or Diggings of Merd,

Marut or Amorites) early u. for

Albion, 190, 216