The Phœnician origin of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons : discovered by Phœnician & Sumerian inscriptions in Britain, by preroman Briton coins & a mass of new history : with over one hundred illustrations and maps
also an outstanding trait of the Phoenicians in the classics of Europe. This disclosed ‘‘ Panch”’ to be the proper name of this ruling Aryan clan, whom I at once recognized as the ‘“ Phenic-ians,” the Fenkha or Panag or Panasa sea-going race of the eastern Mediterranean of the Ancient Egyptians, * the ‘‘ Phoinik-es’’ of the Greeks, and the Phenic-es of the Romans.
This ‘‘ Panch”’ ruling Aryan clan was celebrated in the Vedas as the most ardent of all devotees of the Sun and Fire cult associated with worship of the Father-god Indra, as in the Vedic verses cited in the heading, and we shall see that the Hitto-Phcenicians were especial worshippers of the Father-god Bel (also called by them “‘ Jndara’’) who was of the Sun-cult, and whose name is recorded in the early Briton monuments to be examined later on. The “ Panch” Aryan clan was also significantly the foremost sea-going Aryan people of the ancient world in the Vedas, in which most, if not all, of the many Aryan kings, celebrated in the Vedic hymns as having been miraculously rescued from shipwreck by Indra or his angels, were kings of the Panch Aryan clan, and ‘‘ a ship of a hundred oars’’ is mentioned in connection with them. These Panch Aryans are also sometimes called “ Kyivi ’’* in the Vedas, which word is admitted by Sanskritists to be a variant of ‘‘ Kuru,’* which we have seen means “of Kur’’ or “ Syria.’’ This confederate Vedic title for them and their kinsmen, the later Syrians, namely “ Kuyu-Panch(-ala),”’ is thus seen to be the equivalent of the later title for these two confederate Aryan ruling clans, the Syrians and Phcenicians, which is referred to in the New Testament as “‘ Suvo-Phoiniki’’ and Englished into “ SyrioPhcenician.”’ §
Further, I found that the Early Phcenician dynasties in Syrio-Phoenicia or ‘‘ The Land of the Amorites’”’ of the Hebrews, as well as in Early Mesopotamia on the shores of the Persian Gulf (where Herodotus records that the Phoeni-
1 See later for the references to these names in Egyptian texts.
2K.V. i. 116. 5. Numerous Vedic and Epic references to these Aryan “ Panch”’ (or Phoenicians) as the foremost seamen of the Ancient World
will be found later on. *RV. vill, 20, 24; vill, 22,12. “MK I.i, r66f. Mark vii, 26.