The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


Many brilliant authors have written on the causes of the present war, and nearly a whole literature already exists examining the causes and secret reasons for this most terrible and bloody crisis ever known in human history. But however illuminating, rich in thoughts, and convincing in arguments, all those writings are incomplete in a way. Nearly all of them have lost sight of Austria-Hungary. The mighty and terrible figure of Germany has completely obliterated her weaker partner, so much so that Austria-Hungary is not considered as an independent being with its own interests and ambitions, its own will and power to act for good or evil, but is referred to as the slave and victim of German will and ambition. Such a view is both incomplete and erroneous. It is perfectly true that Germany desired and prepared in secret for the present war, but it is also true that she would never have entered upon that struggle had she not beforehand been sure of the wholehearted support of Austria-Hungary. It was a great and very important part of German statecraft to attract Austria-Hungary and to bring