The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


Though the policy of revenge against Prussia was relegated, the wound in the heart of the Hapsburg dynasty was not healed. But Bismarck held a remedy in readiness. Allied with the Magyar oligarchy and German bureaucracy in Austria-Hungary, he was able to deplace the centre of the Austro-Hungarian policy from Vienna to Budapest, and to suggest to the Austrian Court and dynasty that compensation for the loss of Italy and the ejection from Germany, lay in the Austro-Hungarian expansion in the Balkans. It may be said of Austria that she was in earlier times interested in the Balkans, just as a certain French Prince who became King of Poland was interested in his new realm. He stayed in Warsaw so long as there was no vacancy in France, but as soon as the French throne became vacant he abandoned Poland, hurrying to Paris to secure the French Crown for himself. Likewise as long as Austria’s interests and position in Central Europe were not jeopardised, she pursued her policy of conquest in the Balkans. But as soon as her position in Germany or her possessions in Italy were endangered she forsook the Balkans, hurrying to the defence of her Central European interests and position. But now, whole-heartedly backed by Germany and able to rely absolutely upon the Magyars, the Hapsburg dynasty, finding the Central European door completely closed, fixed its eyes on the Balkans, seeking there in new conquests