The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


they possessed overwhelming national majorities, the Austrian bureaucracy used all the means in their power to revive old religious dissensions, maliciously estranging the Roman Catholics from the Greek-Orthodox, and by intimidation or corruption she contrived to keep the Southern Slavs from presenting a united front to her as long as possible.

Finally Bosnia and Hercegovina were administered by a joint ministry of finances depending both on Vienna and Budapest. Even that was not enough. The Serbian Church, although deprived of its autonomy for any practical purposes, was split into three different and quite independent administrations. The Serbs of Hungary in religious matters were dependent on the Patriarchate at Karlovici; those in Bosnia and Hercegovina had their own Church organisation whose head was the Metropolitan at Sarajevo, while the head of the Serbian Church in Dalmatia had its seat at Chernovitz in Bukovina, a thousand miles away at the other end of the empire.

In order to enhance the above-mentioned idea of division and to be better able to deceive Europe, a separate Bosnian nation was created and a Bosnian language was invented. In its blindness of official zeal the Austrian bureaucracy surpassed even itself. When the late M. de Kallay as Joint Minister of Finances stood at the head of the Bosnian administration, he put his own book, The History of the Serbs, on the index