The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe, page 287


GERMANY was not satisfied with her position. The ambitions of her ruling caste knew no limits. Instead of a Germany strong, united and prosperous, they wished to build a world empire which would have for its base a German Central Europe. The present war must settle this question definitely and irrevocably. Against German Central Europe, the Allies must set up a living wall of free, independent national States. In the preceding chapters we have dwelt upon the necessity of creating a strong Southern Slav State, and we trust we have shown not only the possibility of this, but also all the dangers of any other hybrid solution. The Southern Slav question, least known and so neglected by Europe, gave Germany the best opportunity of trying to solve it one-sidedly according to her own views and interests.

When the Southern Slavs will be united and their State constituted, then by applying the same principle of nationality, there will arise at once as if by magic upon the ruins of AustriaHungary new national States: Bohemia, which will comprise all Czech and Slovak provinces;