The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


the gratitude and loyalty of German Hapsburg princes.

It seemed that a curse lay upon the new Austrian acquisitions. The Turks were reinforced and began to press hard upon the Austrian armies. The Emperor Leopold fully realised the value of his Serbian provinces. With Bosnia and Serbia in his hands he was able to defend his newly acquired kingdom of Hungary more effectively ; therefore once more he appealed to Serbs and to their Patriarch Arsenius Carnoevié to render him effective assistance against the Turks by a new insurrectionin arms. This time the Emperor promised them the free election of a national Duke (Voivoda), religious liberty and exemption from all taxes and imposts.

The Austrian armies were in retreat, great numbers of Serbs fighting as volunteers on their side. And the Serbian population and dignitaries of the church, greatly compromised in the eyes of the Turks by the assistance given to Austria in the former fighting, were also retreating in great masses before the hostile armies. The Emperor’s invitation reached them at Belgrade, when already all Serbian provinces in the Balkans were occupied by the Turks. Under the Turkish dominion the Serbian Church enjoyed many privileges, and the Patriarch, besides the right of appointing new bishops and of judging matrimonial cases, had extended his jurisdiction in all civil and hereditary matters. Thus,