The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


of their territory and in organising a national State to carry on the traditions of the Serbian Empire of the Nemanja dynasty. Passing beyond the frontier of the vilayet of Belgrade they penetrated into Old Serbia, pushed energetically forward towards Montenegro and made plans for the liberation of Bosnia. But in 1813 the Turks, having made peace with Russia in 1812, sent all their available forces against Serbia, which was crushed after the most sanguinary fighting and the splendid self-sacrifice of her sons. But the Turkish triumph was only of very short duration. The Serbs proved worthy of their ancestors and nothing could quench their desire for freedom nor subdue them for any length of time. In 1815 they rose again and this time achieved lasting results. The Serbian State was now recognised as a vassal principality of the Turkish Empire.

It must be mentioned that the new Serbian State was not the result of the bravery, selfsacrifice and wisdom of the Serbs dwelling within its frontiers alone. On the contrary, Serbs from all over the world took part in its creation. The ranks of Karageorge’s army were swelled by Serbs from Macedonia, Old Serbia, Bosnia, Hercegovina and Austria. The patriotic Serbians of South Hungary at great risk smuggled arms and ammunition to the Serbian insurrectionists, and the educated Serbs of other countries hastened to Serbia to assist in her political and economic