The reconstruction of South-Eastern Europe


show the complete harmony which now existed between the Orthodox Serbs and the Catholic Croats it was decided that the Serbian Patriarch, Joseph Rajatié, should instal the Ban and administer the oath. The ceremony of the installation took place in the Roman Catholic Cathedral at Zagreb, but the Mass was read in the old Slav tongue instead of in Latin, and afterwards all the dignitaries, with the Ban and the Patriarch, proceeded to the Greek Orthodox Church, where a Te Deum was sung in token of national unity and rejoicing.!

In the meantime war broke out in Italy and Great Britain was ready with a scheme for a proposed reconciliation. The terms were not at all to Vienna’s liking, but in the end Austria prepared to yield and Marshal Radetzky received orders to open peace negotiations. He refused to comply, and threatened to resign, as he did not despair of victory, if only Vienna would give him time to win. But he privately exposed to Prince Schwarzenberg the weak points of the military situation. He placed his chief reliance on the Serbo-Croatian troops, and all his best soldiers were drawn from the military frontier. But these troops were becoming nervous and restless on account of the tidings from home, as every hour might bring the news of the outbreak of hostilities between the Magyars and the Southern

1M. Hartley, The Man who Saved Austria. Mills & Boon, Ltd., London.