The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

We are aware of ourselves and we are aware of the whole of nature, but nature is not aware of us, or of itself except through us. In this sense we can be said to be the Universe’s own self-consciousness. And this awareness, our own experience, that which is to us truly inner, this alone is immediately real to us. This is the reality of our selves; and the whole material world is only real to us through the mediation of our own consciousness. In a strict Kantian sense its only reality and our only reality is in our own consciousness. And our consciousness, being the self-consciousness of the whole of Reality itself, can rightly be called divine. That is to say, all that man in his thinking up to now has called divine is discoverable in our own consciousness.

"The first principle of truth and cognisance is the immateriality and immanence of the whole of reality in every single function and member of existence. We men shall realise that the Inner is real, that Spirit is altogether the Inner. Immateriality, immanence, innerness is Spirit; also human innerness, mere human innerness. Therefore is the cognisance of the Universe not divorceable from our cognisance of our own human and single selves. We are individuations of reality and its centres. The centre of all centres is in each of us humans. Existence itself is aware of itself in us humans. Our reason and awareness is the awareness of Existence itself about itself. Such is the revelation of Christiantiy, and this is the truth about the Divine and our human race. Our kingdom is the self-knowledge, the self-presence of the Ever-living, of Infinity itself in its own time aspect. All multiplicity and division exist by virtue of the immaterial vision, immaterial consciousness which sees and beholds. Matter is vision. It is the vision of the Inner itself. The whole world consists of Awareness. Consciousness, the immaterial stuff of consciousness is the material, the stuff, of which the world is made. God, Man, World are not material and the whole of reality is only mind, spirit. Of inwardness, selfpresence, of awareness, this whole world consists. Of nothing else but awareness, of consciousness. Such is Spirit, and such is our human nature. The goal and glory of humanity is to realise, both in action and in will, and in the understanding and presentation, the vision that Reality is Spirit, and that our own collective reality and our single human selves are that Spirit which is God.’
