The religion of Logos and Sophia : from the writings of Dimitrije Mitrinović on Christianity

historical and evolutionary consequences of the impersonation of the Idea or Over-Soul of the human race is gloriously revealed therein. The essence of Christian morality, as historically known, consists in the demoniac belief and desire that humanity might be transfigured and made perfect not by its own seraphic action and awareness, but by the crucified and universal Saviour. Of Universal Humanity it is more worthy to save and to transfigure Creation and itself than to be saved by the Divine Sacrifice; for it is more blessed to give than to receive. The worship of the Messiah is a sub-Logoic worship and religion. To adore and to imitate the Messiah of the world is a divine duty of the Species, but this not because the Universal Man has taken away the sins of the world of humanity. For the very reason that Jesus of Nazareth beheld in His being the Universal Man Himself, the holy Over-Soul of the Earth, for this very reason every member of humanity, every soul must become divine and superhuman in his own omnipotent self-existence. Of Man, of the Son, of the Second Person, only a religion of self-creation is worthy.’

The goal of every individual life must be towards the fulfilment of Man’s own life-meaning in Universal Humanity, in a functional World-Order; it must be towards the fulfilment of Man’s individual consciousness and its transcendence in supra-individual, universal consciousness in preparation for the Death and Resurrection of the Species Man and his body, the planet Earth.

“There is only one problem in the world today, but this one and universal catharsis is immense, being the problem of Universal Humanity of the Universal Organic Order. This problem transcends all such limiting ideals as Peace of the World, League of Nations, Reunion of Christian Churches, Social Revolution. The problem confronting mankind today is the problem of the Third Testament, of the incarnation of the Third Hypostasis itself on earth. And this Third Hypostasis or Holy Spirit is Humanity itself. Our age is the aeon of the incarnation of Sophia, the dawn of the greatest of aeons, the crisis before its dawn. Christendom is witness of the central Incarnation, of the Word, of the Christ. But the passage of humanity from the individual consciousness to the awareness of the Infinite, and the passage of the Geon (that is the Earth as the body of Man) from a planetary to a solar state, de-