Towards democracy
478 Towards Democracy
To pass into the bodies of men and women, to be arrayed in their hair, and to look forth out of their eyes ;
To be the long lines of habit in them, the food that is sweet in their mouths, the poison that is bitter ;
‘To be the thoughts that they think, and the dreams that they dream ; to circle very close;
To circle closer than all thought ; to touch and startlelike the sound of distant music heard through the rushing of a storm ;
To be the presentation of new unsuspected ideals:
To be buried in the ground;
To be buried deep in the ground of all existence;
To lie in the soil whence all human life springs, and whither it returns again ;
Listening as in a dream of joy to the sound of innu merable voices,
And to the sound of innumerable footsteps coming nearer through all the ages;
To see and to be unseen; to hear and to be that which no ear hath heard ;
To turn an open impartial eye without blame on every creature ; to hold up a mirror,
So tallying nature that to it all men and things run to look upon themselves and learn their parts ;
To give products and receive materials ;
To have the adit, to be the hidden link, the life which does not appear ;