Bitef, 13. 09. 1986., S. 9
with numerous friends among the artists the world over, at a time when the social thought reached for new heights and the dramatic arts received a new impetus, they turned, hopeful, to theatric belgrade. it was the time of great expectations. over the past twenty years the world theatre changed from one season to the other but nothing was ever relinquished irretrievably and forever; no effort was barren: every experience found its reflection in the art of those who followed, bitef endeavoured to follow in step, even if not all the great and significant productions came to bitef, it nevertheless presented every momentous movement, every tendency of import which appeared during the last two decades, all that has been happening at bitef makes part of the experience of generations of artists and audiences and serves as a powerful source of energy setting in motion most events in the yugoslav and the world theatre, on the world theatre map belgrade has thus come to stand for a, place reverberating with that great adventure