Bitef, 01. 01. 2007., S. 271

Ponedeijak, 24. septembar | Monday, September 24th

Igra, celodnevna radionica interaktivnog teatra, Sara Topsoe Jensen, Carte Blanche, Viborg, Danska Play, full-day workshop of interactive theatre, Sara Topsoe Jensen, Carte Blanche, Viborg, Denmark

Centarza kulturu „Stari Grad" Centre for Culture "Stari Grad"


Ja i Ti + Nesto izmeäu, interkulturalni susret/ celodnevna radionica, Flop.La! Me and You + Something in Between, intercultural meetìng/full-day workshop, Flop.La!

Bitef Polifonija Bitef Polyphony

Centarza kulturu „Stari Grad" Centre for Culture "Stari Grad"


Listanje, animaeijska predstava. Carte Blanche, Viborg, Danska Leafing, animation performance. Carte Blanche, Viborg, Denmark

Pozoriste „Bosko Buha" Theatre "Bosko Buha"


Seminar; Nove tehnologije u pozoristu / Multimedija Seminar: New Technologies in Theatre / Multimedia

Multimedija iz ugla dramaturgo, predavac: Susanne Winnacker Multimedia from an angle of a dramaturgo, lecturer; Susanne Winnacker

Galerija„District" "District"Gallery

11:00 and 15:00

Tokom Bitefa... Düring Bitef...

Sloga dvaju gospodara, r: Andrea Paccioto The ServantofTwo Masters, d: Andrea Paccioto

Beogradsko dramsko pozoriste Beigrade Drama Theatre


Bitef na filmu Bitef on Film

Noe klovnova, rezija; Ingmar Bergman Clown Night, directed by; Ingmar Bergman

Jugoslovenska kinoteka Yugoslav Film Archive


BITEF- 40 godina novih pozorisnih tendeneija Dokumenta Beogradskog internadonalnog teatarskog f estivala, 1967-2006; izdavac: Istorijski arhiv Beograda BITEF - 40 Years ofthe New Theatrical lendendes Documents of Beigrade International Theatre Festival, 7967-2006;published by Historical Archives of Beigrade


Promocija knjige Book Promotion

Skupstina grada Beograda Beigrade City Council

Bitef na filmu Bitef on Film

Noe klovnova, rezija; Ingmar Bergman Clown Night, directed by: Ingmar Bergman

Jugoslovenska kinoteka Yugoslav Film Archive


Glavni program Main Program

uPalermu, Sud Costa Occidentale, Italija mPalermu, Sud Costa Occidentale, Italy Susret sa stvaraocima Meeting with the Authors



Nakon predstave After performance

Tokom Bitefa... Düring Bitef...

Amselfeld, rezija: Kokan Mladenovic Amselfeld, directed by; Kokan Mladenovic

Beogradsko pristaniste Brod„Topciderka"
