A B C of modern socialism

75 on its formation. On the other side, the Guild would undertake responsibilities to the State, its members, other Guilds, and the public.

What would be the responsibilities of the Guild to the State directly?

They would include an annual contribution to the national budget in lieu of rent ; formal admission of the suzerainty of the State; the right of the State to be represented on its councils; the discharge of the duties of the industry ; and the maintenance and improvement of the capital and industry committed to its care.

What would be the responsibilities of a Guild to its members?

These responsibilities would include provision for them in sickness and in health, in employment and in unemployment; the provision of conditions and means of carrying on their craft, and to acquire and employ their skill in it; of training for prospective members; and of opportunity for every member to hold any position in the Guild for which he is fitted.

What are the Guilds’ responsibilities to other Guilds?

These could be best defined by an assembly of Guilds in occasional or permanent conference. Having, under the supremacy of the State, the care of national industry in their hands, the associated Guilds will require of each component Guild a measure of common action.

What would be the responsibilities of a Guild to the public?

Among others, efficient, fair and general service ;