Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



В обоих Протоколах предусматривается и более подробная особая защита женщин. Самыми значительными являются предложения о распрострамедицинской защиты на рожениц и беременных женщин, о более полной защите женщин от актов насилия, о запрещении приведения в исполнение смертной казни над беременными женщинами и запрещения выношения такого наказания женщине с малыми детьми. Ввиду того, что работы по пересмотру Женевских Конвенций еще не закончены, ’ следует ожидать, что правительственные экперты пересмотрят как вкоторых женщине следовало бы обеспечить особую защиту так и меры самой защиты. SUMMARY Special international legal protection of wimen during armed conflicts The question of special international legal protection of wimen during armed conflicts was examined in the context of the works that are still in act, for the reaffirmation and developement of the international humanitarian law in the armed conflicts. Strating from the solutions adopted on the 12th of august 1949. as the Four conventions of Geneva for the protection, of victimes of war, it was concluded that wimen, according to the international positive law, are titled to special protections as persons with particular characteristics of sex, but that means that the protection is conserned mainly with maternity and care for either yet unhom, or with small children. Actions of the International commetee of Red Cross, coordinated with the actions of United Nations (within which also The Comitions for the legal position of wimen) brought to the organisation of two conferences of experts of governments (in 1971. and 1972.) where two supplementary drafts of two Protocols to go along with the Geneva conventions, vere examined. The first Protocole regards the international armed conflicts, therefore it consernes all four Conventions, and the second Protocole consentes article 3 common also to all four Conventions, by them the states are asked to apply the humanitarian regulations of armed conflicts also in the conflicts that do not have international character. In both Protocols the more complete particular protection for -wimen is anticipated. The most important suggestions are for the extention of sanitary protection for wimen in delivering and of pregnant wimen, to full protection of wimens personality from acts of violence and of prohibition of sentencing to death pregnant wimen and wimen with small children. The works on the revision of the Geneva Conventions are not yet completed, therefore it can be expected that government experts will requestion the situations in which special protection should be provided for wimen as well as the measures to be undertaken for such protection. RÉSUMÉ La protection de droit international spéciale des femmes dans les conflits armés La question de la protection de droit international spéciales des femmes dans les conflits armés est traitée sous l’aspect du travail à la réaffirmation et au développement du droit humanitaire international relatif aux conflits armés, cor on est en train de poursuivre actuellement ce travail. En partant des résolutions adoptées dans quatre Conventions de Genève sur la protection des victimes de la guerre, du 12 août 1949, il a été constatéque la femme, d’après le droit international positif, bénéficie d’une protection spéciale en tant que personne qui a des caratères distinctifs de sexe,.