Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu



тии и великосербской идеологии. Монарх является заключительной фазой верховной власти, ибо историческое развитие создало три типа подобной власти („вождя", правителя и монарха). С у силе нием власти монарха растет желание к расширению границ. Идея великосербства, по мнению Марковича, представляет собой идеологизированный вид аппетита на чужие территории. На этой линии столкнулись консервативные сторонники монархических направлений и либеральная партия. Автор в заключении утверждает, что по сравнению с критикой Марксом бюрократии, критика Марковича была более непосредственной, так как Марковича интересовала непосредственная, практическая проблема существования слоя в данной общественно-экономической и политической ситуации. Едиственная возможность для' ликвидации бюрократии лежит в непосредственном выступлении народа и в свержении системы.

SUMMARY Svetozar Markovic and the Criticism of Bureaucracy The author starts from the opinion that the entire Svetozar Markovic's political idea was based on the criticism of bureaucracy as the main obstruction to the social development. It was the bureaucracy that has been the basic cause of the decline of peasantry, the usurpation of power and the obstruction of further development of the country and freedom of its citizens. Instead of further development of the traditional Serbian democratic institutions originating frorn the country, the models were saught in the environments entirely different’ in historical, economic and cultural sense. According to the author, Markovic’s criticism of the bureaucracy, precisely those who lived at the expense of working people peasants, was trilateral and related to the criticism of the monarchy, Überai party and bureaucracy itself. Although admitting its historical necessity, Markovic was a rigorous opponent of monarchy. He Unked its existence with the loss of freedom, strengthening of the state, bureaucracy and ideology of Great Serbia. Ruler was considered as the final phase of the headmen’s power, because three types of headman have developed through the history (»vožd«, master, and ruler). With strenghtening of the monarch’s power, a desire w r as bom for the expansion of borders.~The idea of Great Serbia, according to Markovic, represented the idealized form of appetite for foreign territories. That w ; as the line where conservative proponents of monarchic currents and those from the Überai party met. The author concludes at the end that Markovic is more direct, in relation to Marx’s criticism of bureaucracy as an abstracted social category, because he w r as interested in the practical problem of existence of stratum in given socio-economic and political situation. The only possibility for the removal of bureaucracy laid in the direct action of the people, in overthrowing the system.

RÉSUMÉ Svetozar Marković et la critique de la bureaucratie L’auteur part de la conception que l’idée politique tout entière de Svetozar Markovié est basée sur la critique de la bureaucratie, en tant que frein principal du développement de la société. Elle est la cause essentielle de la décadence de la paysannerie, de l’usurpation du pouvoir et de l’empêchement du développement ultérieur du pays et de la liberté de ses citoyens. Au lieu de continuer à développer les institutions démocratiques traditionnelles serbes qui tirent leur origine du village on cherche des exemples dans