Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu

Year LXV, No. 3, 2017, pp. 1-241

UDC 34/35

ISSN 0003-2565



Mirko Vasiljevic, Vuk Radovic, Theoretical Foundations of Shareholders’ Right To Appraisal 7

Marko Pavlovic, Kanzel Paragraph of St Vitus Constitution 28

Radovan Vukadinovic, Harmful Effect of Arbitration Dispute Settlement Eu Intra Bits to the Legal Order of the European Union 50

Bozidar Banov ic. Normative Framework for Combating Trafficking in Human Organs 70

Tatjana Jevremovic Petrov ic, Nullity of the Company 98

Milos Stankovic. Was Last Will Prescribed in the Code of Hammurabi? 124

Nikola Selakovic, Roots of the Latin Type of The Notaiy Public Service 153

Marko Perovic, Novation as a Method of Termination of Obligations 167


Milijana Trifkovic, Violation of the Right to Trial within a Reasonable Time in Administrative Proceedings 188

Natalija Zivkovic, Prosecutorial Investigation - Pros and Cons 207

The Annals of the Faculty of Тал¥ in Belgrade