Anthropo-biology : towards a system of the sciences

and history of Mankind has arisen through unconscious or supraconscious forces and factors, that have not been grasped clearly by the individuals involved in them. They have come about by a sort of inspiration, or unconscious clairvoyance, a ‘ participation mystique’. There has not yet been a society on Earth in which the link and bridge between the individuals, the cells and units of the organism, was a deliberate common understanding of the interest of the whole, and of its meaning and purpose. Through the development of the science of biology this could begin to come about. An action could start from individuals towards the whole, which would not carry the nemesis to which all human history bears witness; for hitherto nearly every action aimed at a goal has turned round and produced the Opposite result from that intended. This is inevitable so long as our actions are partial and empirical.

Now there are two wholes. One from which we can start and one to which we can aim. We can start from that wholeness which is the individual personality. Dimitrije Mitrinovi¢é has stated in The New Atlantis that the principle of principles is personality, that only in personality do we find the centre, and that this centre of Mankind is in each human individual whether he knows it or not. From this whole which is the individual we can work creatively and deliberately to that whole which is the whole Mankind, so as to construct out of the unconscious fact of the oneness of the world the deliberately agreed, intuited, felt, and believed in, unity of Mankind as a living organism, in which all the different functions and elements are given their glory and recognition for their functional service and part within the whole Anthropos, Mankind as the supreme artistic achievement. No nation, no race, no part is in itself an adequate goal or justification of the life of Mankind, and the life of the individual can now find its fulfilment and its goal only in relation to the life of Mankind as a whole. I wish to put these two fundamental points and to indicate how out of an understanding of anthropo-biology they can be developed. There is the whole of the individual and the whole of Mankind, and there are the partial relations and blocks between them all. We have, then, the basic anthropo-biology,
