Anthropo-biology : towards a system of the sciences

anthropo-biology, as it develops, should become increasingly the concern of every individual, to which all can contribute. It is not only for specialists and great men, or philosophers. If one could fashion it and conjure up its meaning and purpose properly, then it would enlighten and make useable the knowledge of ordinary people about their daily life. For what each one of us to-day most yearns for is that our personal experience should be of significance and value and not meaningless. We feel within the world of modern science, and civilisation based on modern science, that our individuality becomes empty. We can overcome that if we find the way to share our experience with one another. The world of man has grown, sprouted from the ground of nature, and is now blossoming, and in this autonomous world of man we have everything if we learn to share it with one another. All riches can become ours, not only riches materially —they are on our doorstep anyhow—but riches of meaning and significance, riches of nobility and truth, for everyone and not only for a few. This is the real purpose of The New Atlantis Foundation, to make useable by ordinary individuals the gigantic wealth-inheritance, the riches of nobility, character, truth and beauty which are to be found in the arts and sciences, the philosophies and religions of Mankind. It will be our aim to find how this can become an inner experience of all the individuals who

make up the kingdom of Man.