Anthropo-biology : towards a system of the sciences


Towards a system of the Sciences

‘NEW ATLANTIS’ was the name given by Dimitrije Mitrinovi¢ to his own personal life work and vision, and within the scope and span of this he proposed and indicated that one should start the disciplines of the anthropo-sciences. There is needed to-day not merely biology, physics, chemistry and the other sciences, sociology and psychology paramountly, but anthropo-biology, anthropo-sociology and anthropo-psychology. So it will be the main part of my purpose to try to indicate something of what is meant by the use of that prefix ‘anthropo’ in front of the basic sciences of man.

If one looks at the world to-day there are quite definitely certain novelties, which by their very novelty paralyse us in our efforts to handle the situation. First among these is the fact that the world has become in the life-time of this generation one world, inescapably and technically one whole single world; so that whatever problem is eh or handled in any part of it carries its immediate reflex and consequence throughout the rest of the planet. Consequently those modes of action which are based on the knowledge of parts and pieces automatically run into failure. Another dominant novelty in this situation is the increasing appearance in the world of single uprooted individuals—individuals who have become to an extent which in previous ages was not known, self-present in their own idiom and individuality.