Bibliographie napoléonienne : collection de sources classées par ordre de matières

de =

E. Laborde, Napoléon et sa garde, ou relation du voyage de Fon-

tainebleau à l’île d'Elbe en ‘14, ete. 16. Paris 40. Desrez.

Capit. Sir T. Usher, À narrative of events connected with the first

abdication of the emperor Napoleon, his embarkation at Frejus and voyage to Elba on board his majesty's ship »yUndaunted“; his embarkation at Elba, on board the Elbese brig of war ,l’Inconstant“, and a journal of his extraordinary march to Paris, as narrated by colonel Laborde, who accompanied the Emperor on that occasion. 8. London 40. Nickisson, 5 sh. — Dublin #41. Grant.

Transl. in Germ. by O. Simon. 8. Amsterdam ‘94. Dieckmann,

1,20 M.

Gal Sir N. Campbell, Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba, being



a journal of occurrences in ’14—’15, with notes of conversations. With a memoir of the life and services of that officer, by his nephew A. N. Campbell Maclachlan. 8. London 769. Murray. 15 sh.

. Pichot, Napoléon à l'ile d’Elbe; chronique des événements de

14 et ”15, d'après le journal du colonel sir N. Campbell, le journal d’un détenu et autres documents inédits ou peu connus, p. s. à l’histoire du premier empire et de la restauration. 8. Paris 773. Dentu. 3 fr.

. Foresi, Napoleone IL. all’ isola dell’ Elba. 8. Firenze 84.


. Livi, Napoleone all isola d’Elba, secondo le carte di un archivio

segreto ed altre, edite ed inedite, 8. Milano 88. Treves. 4 L.

Pellet, Napoléon à l'île d'Elbe. Mélanges historiques. 12. Paris 88. Charpentier. 3,50 fr. Houssaye, Napoléon à l’île d’Elbe.

In: Revue historique, tom. 51, p. 1—25, Paris 793.

Pélissier, Le régistre de l'île d'Elbe. Lettres de Napoléon I*


Paris ‘97. Vide I, Oeuvres.

G. Pélissier, L'Ile d’Elbe au commencement du XIX® siècle, In: Bulletin de la société languedocienne de géographie 97.

IV. 1815-21. Sainte-Hélène.

Buonaparte’s voyage to St. Helena, comprising the diary of rear

adm, sir G. Cockburn, during his passage from England to St, Helena in ‘15, from the original manuscript, in the hand writing of his private secretary. 12. Boston 33. Lilly.